
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Nailed it!!!

What Can I say, I am a darn happy portuguese down under...
I got the Job. The guys are great, the clients aswell and the money is sweet...

Next stop, get a room/studio/flat/apartement in the bondi area. Gotta live down by the beach, it's the only way to go...
Although the summer is making is way slowly down here, I can feel it coming. Summer 2005 will be held in my records for sure.

I do hope you're all doing good, if not, just pack a bag and come join me down here, you'll love it!!!

See you all later..


Saturday, November 19, 2005

No Comment VII

Bondi Beach

Sweet Life Down Under

Boas tardes a todos,

Ja la vao uns dias desde as ultimas noticias.. O que dizer? Tava a espera de certezas... Nao queria por a carruagem a frente dos bois, mandar os foguetes antes da festa, "vendre la peau de l'ours avant de l'avoir tue", etc.

Arranjei trabalho!!!

Ja tava por aqui a contar tostoes e a pensar seriamente com os meus botoes como e que iria fazer se uma oportunidade nao chegasse rapidamente... Ate ao ponto em que tentava falar com qualquer pessoa que me fosse apresentada para descobrir se algures nos seus conhecimentos teria algum trabalho "Dinheiro em mao" pronto a oferecer.

A primeira pessoa que tenho a agradecer e a Pipa (Boothman) que me deu o contacto do seu amigo Australio-italiano, o Antonio, que vive por estas bandas. O segundo agradecimento vai para esse mesmo que acabou por me demonstrar muito rapidamente que "it's not what you know, it's who you know".
Tanto se fala do mitico (ou nao) "Factor C" em Portugal, que e uma injustica, que impede o pais de avancar, que favorece os menos capazes e que so acontece na nossa "republica das Bananas".
A coisa de 20.000 Km de distancia, acreditem que tambem existe. (Gracas a Deus!!)

O terceiro agradecimento vai para uma de tal "Fiona" que e a amiga do Antonio que trabalha no bar e que me arranjou a entrevista. Com toda a "Small Talk" de conversas telefonicas fiquei de lhe ligar para ir beber um copo como agradecimento. Segundo o Antonio ela e "muita querida". Se e que me entendem... Ainda nao a vi ao vivo, vamos la ver se nao me enfio numa alhada. lol

Nao me quero estar a gabar mas deve ser o melhor bar para trablhar em Sydney. Ainda so la estive duas noites e fiquei muito bem impressionado. Tem dois andares e vao abrir o terceiro no proximo mes. Sem querer exagerar, tem muita coisa parecida com o Lux em termos de conceito. Ambiente, Musica, publico alvo e precos!!
E ganho bateladas de dinheiro... Eu sei que nao e suposto falar de dinheiro, ainda menos na internet, mas sei que todos ficaram curiosos e mais vale abrir o livro agora que repetir a historia.
Ganho quinze dolares Australianos (basicamente dez euros) a
hora. Nada mau... Mas ainda ha mais. Nao e suposto dar gorjetas (tipo estados unidos) mas quem la vai pelos vistos gosta de limpar o c* com notas e nao e raro receber gorjetas de dez dolares. Ontem trabalhei 9 horas.. ganhei mais em gorjetas que em salario.. facam as contas...
Eu bem sei que nao e todas as noites, mas e sempre bom saber que se pode chegar a ganhar quarenta contos numa so noite e que tudo depende da atitude... (american dream, quem quiser e trabalhar para isso consegue la chegar do nada)
Para todos os que tinham duvidas, conseguem me dizer um sitio onde possa trabalhar em que faca este tipo de dinheiro legalmente??? (ou quase ja que nao tenho visto de trabalho)

A partir de segunda feira (dia de sao receber) vou comecar a procura de casa em Bondi (mega praia em Sydney). Tentar partilhar um apartamento com quem mais estiver a precisar de um "room mate".

Ja faz quase um mes que me fui e parece me que so agora a aventura vai comecar. As saudades ja sao muitas. Pelos vistos eles tem em sydney uma "TugaTown" em que se pode matar saudades das sagres, dos pasteis de nata e de um fo**-se caralh* puchado do fundo da garganta, saindo por baixo de um belo bigode portugues acompanhado por uns esperdigotos e migalhas de pevides. A ver se vou la esta semana beber uma verdadeira JOLA e discutir futebol.

Ja falei demais, fui.

Bjs e abracos

PS: LX Bipinho, ta prometido... ao proximo yorn que mandares, eu ligo-te. Aquele.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

RFM - "Vale a pena pensar nisto"

I'm not trying to make up one of those soppy-supposed-to-be-thoughtfull email chains that you get all the time in your inbox but when you go around, you do get to see a lot of things that can make you think.. Sometimes not more than 2 minutes but still I thought I'd share some of these "sayings" with you...

The Deep One:

DREAM as you'll live forever,
LIVE as you'll die today...
(Johnnie Walker)

The One About Friendship:

A good friend will visit you when you are in prison,
A true friend will say:"We really fucked up, didn't we?"

The Funny Ones:
(These need to be placed in their context)

On the t-shirt of a drunk guy going around airlie beach...


On a bumper sticker...

GAS, GRASS OR ASS. No one rides for free

Saturday, November 12, 2005

No Comment V


Left To Right:
Maeva (Ireland), Janice (Ireland), Ken (England) , Simon (England) & Becky (England)
(before drinking games)

Left to Right
Eugenio (Mexico), Maeva, myself, Janice & Becky
(After Round 1)

Eugenio & Maeva
(After Round 2)

Left to Right:
Maeva, Becky, Janice & Ken
(After The Drinking Games)

The Fly Theory

A good friend of mine once asked me how I could definitely know that someone is Happy. I gotta say that after some thinking and a lot about mumbling on the subject, using words such as financially stable, friendship, family and love I couldn't come up with a simple solution.
"I have the best theory in the world" he said.
"It's so simple you'd find it hard to believe.
It's called the fly theory."
I'll try to pass it on to you guys. As I remember it's something like this:
Picture yourself in your room, laid back on your bed just staring at the ceiling. You'd think you are alone but a little fly managed its way inside.
If you can get to a point where, in the whole afternoon you spent in your room, the only concern you had is if that damn little dirty fly will or not land on the top of your forehead - and this means that you didn't have to think about money, bills or rent, didn't think about your girlfriend complaining about you spending all your free time with your friends, didn't think about the ass you made of yourself the last time you got so drunk you were blind as a bat - it's just you and the fly. At that moment, trust me (and my friend), you are happy.

Sounds pretty good doesn't it?

Well come down here and you will see that theory is not applicable.
Nopes, not in Australia.
Because here it's aaaaaaaaaall different, they like it deadly and different.
Instead of 1 fly, there are at least 50 mother fu** flies that get into your room every time you open a window lurking for some fresh hair. You have no option but to think only about the flies and try quite energycly to smash the bastards. And it's not just in the Sydney area too. Get a little further north, the flies turn into mosquitoes.
and that's when the bow brakes. I've got just on my left leg over 20 mosquito bites and I did concentrate on trying to turn my whole "body area" into a mosquito holocaust, but without success.

God I regret not accepting the insect repellent that Rick offered me at the airport. "There will be no flies up there, it's too hot, don't worry" I said. And of course I was right, but the mosquitoes do rule in Airlie Beach. They should rename the place “Mosquitoes’ heaven” or “24 hour mosquito special buffet”.

At night there are those who go to sleep to go on the cruises and tours early in the morning, the night victims. Plus all the ones that stand on the porch of their bungalow drinking beer and chilling with their new roommates building an overnight friendship that could last from just that night to a lifetime. (ok, ok. they are pretty much trying to pull the Swedish girls that come by. Quite a "mission impossible", I reckon. Something only Tom Cruise could be able to pull off.

And during daytime, all the guys (and trying not to offend anyone, the guys I am talking about are essentially British. If up to them, drinking could, should and will be one day an Olympic sport. And they will take the gold medal home every time) that went partying all night are either sleeping in their over heated dorms or next to the lagoon. Victims number two.

A good theory like many others has exceptions and so does this one. I think I have made my point.

See you all later. ;)

Monday, November 07, 2005

Airlie Beach

Magnum's Backpackers, Airlie Beach.

The first feelin was obviously a trip down memory lane. I came through the same place two years ago. Slept in the same backpackers even. It was here that I did my piercing long before showing it to my parents.

Back into the bungallows, deluxe cabins as they call it. The roommates? best guys in the world. (un) Fortunately we ended up in a "all male dorm". Not because it is one, but just because the 8 of us checked in one after the others... They just lay us around as we come in.

Five United Kingdom mates that got together as they were travelling and are now sharin a car. Simon, Tom, Mark, Adam and Stu. All good lads, very nice drinkin partners. Then came the dutchmen. Johan and Martin from a little city I don't remember the name between Amsterdam and Den Haag. By the time the music started we had already formed a "Dorm table".
On the menu Beer Jugs. It gets much cheaper and it is much more sociable than a single little beer. After thinking and drinkin over it, we actually came to the conclusion that a jug of beer is a lonely backpacker's best friend, or if you want the best way of makin friends.. Just melt the ice by poorin beer on it. Mind get loose, the english spoken by internationals sounds better and after a bit no one remembers its differences.. We are all here for the same reason: to experience an adventure far far away from home.

Stu, Jenny and Myself @
M@ss Nightclub

From Right To Left, Johan, Martin and Myself

Left To Right, Tom, Adam and Mark

Beijinhos e abracos

Em Transito IV

E desta que vai comecar a aventura...
Next stop, Withsunday coast na barreira de coral.

Aproveitei umas promocoes da Virgin blue (virgin que opera na australia) para vir ate ao Norte.
Qual nao e a minha sorte que no aeroporto calhou-me o "Random explosives tracing test". So uma pergunta... Tenho cara de terrorista? aluma vez..
ja tava a ver que me iam dar a volta a mochila outra vez... so faltava tambem a busca com a ajuda de uma lanterna, a antiga. lol por mais incrivel, passei o teste...

30 graus, ja consegui evitar o escaldao do primeiro dia..

Thursday, November 03, 2005

No Comment IV

Dia 6

Acordei as 5 da matina por uma qualquer razao,
fiz companhia ao Rick que estava a fazer uma classica noitada de vespera de entrega de trabalho. Ate teria ajudado, mas eram so programas de design e nao faco puto ideia como os usar...

Acordar para ver a champions... bastante diferente... das 7 as 9.. Betis - Chelsea. E nestas alturas que a TVbox digital faz falta!!
Passeata e tal...

A tarde: Programa da "Kites" ate ao jantar. Quarta n se sai a noite.. Cama.

Me and Saul

Just Me

Saul On The Phone

Rick Munitz In Action

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Comercialmente Falando - Objectivo Video Cam!!

Lembram-se dos e-mail que andam por ai a passar a dizer, por cada e-mail o bill gates vai dar a familia do pobre Raulito da Costa Rica 3 centimos para ajudar na operacao que ira remover o terceiro braco que lhe cresceu nas costas...
Bem, isto e parecido. Acreditam que a Google (O site) paga para ter estes anuncios ridiculos aqui no meu blog. E se usarem o motor de busca que tb lhe pertence, tambem recebo??
Eu nao acreditava ate ir ao meu "account" onde ja tenho a modica quantia de 4,50$. Eu sei que e pouco, mas para quem nao fez absolutamente nada, ja e bastante.
Ou seja, cliquem nos anuncios quando ca passam para ler as noticias e ja agora quando precisarem de fazer uma pesquisa, em vez de ir ao site da Google, passem por aqui..
O resultado e o mesmo e se calhar, daqui ate aos meus anos ainda recebo o suficiente para comprar uma camara de filmar e contemplar a malta toda com filmes Australianos...

Bjs e Abracos

No Comment III


Todos os dias aprendemos qualquer coisa..

Hoje foi sobre o nome de "Kelly",
Aqui vai
O Simbolo

A Historia:

Kelly is the Anglicisation of the Gaelic Ó Ceallaigh, based on the personal name “Ceallach” which can mean either ‘bright-haired’ or ‘troublesome’. The popularity of the name dictated that it would be incorporated into surnames in several different areas across the country, including Co. Meath, Co. Wicklow, Co. Antrim, Co. Derry, Co. Sligo, Co. Galway, Co. Roscommon and Co. Laois. The most important of all these clans was the O’ Kellys from the territory of the Uí Máine, which covered east Galway and south Roscommon, and was known as O’ Kelly Country. Today the name is the second most prominent in Ireland, and is spread throughout the country, being most numerous in counties Galway, Kildare, Leitrim and Roscommon. .